Dbm Circular on Collective Negotiation Agreement

The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) recently issued a circular on Collective Negotiation Agreement (CNA) for government employees. The circular, DBM-COA Joint Circular No. 2021-1, outlines the guidelines and procedures for the negotiation, implementation, and monitoring of CNAs between government agencies and their respective unions.

The CNA is a tool for collective bargaining, which allows government employees to negotiate with their respective agencies for better working conditions, benefits, and compensation. The DBM circular provides a framework for the negotiation of CNAs, which aims to ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability in the process.

Under the circular, agencies are required to conduct consultations with their respective unions to identify issues and concerns that need to be addressed in the CNA. The consultation process should be conducted in good faith, with both parties emphasizing the importance of compromise and mutual interest.

Once the issues have been identified, the negotiation process can commence. The circular emphasizes the importance of transparency in the negotiation process, with both parties required to disclose essential information regarding their proposals, counterproposals, and other relevant matters.

Moreover, the circular requires agencies to ensure that the CNAs are in line with the government`s fiscal sustainability objective. The agreement should not compromise the agency`s ability to provide essential services to the public and must be within the agency`s allocated budget.

Once the CNA has been agreed upon, it must be submitted to the DBM for review and approval. The DBM will evaluate the agreement based on its compliance with the guidelines and procedures outlined in the circular. The DBM may disapprove a CNA if it finds that it violates the government`s fiscal sustainability objective or if it is not in line with the guidelines and procedures set forth in the circular.

In conclusion, the DBM circular on CNA provides a comprehensive guide for the negotiation, implementation, and monitoring of agreements between government agencies and their respective unions. The circular emphasizes transparency, good faith, and compromise in the negotiation process, ensuring that both parties achieve a fair and mutually beneficial agreement. With the implementation of this circular, government employees can look forward to better working conditions, benefits, and compensation, while ensuring that the government`s fiscal sustainability objective is not compromised.